New Orleans is a spiritual city full of old blues and hard rock. It's no surprise that natives Blonde Roses have captured the heart of The Big Easy perfectly. Whether you're old school or new school, I guarantee you'll take a liking to their sound. Not too long ago they released their debut music video, "Bullet", gaining them quick growth. Frontwoman Molly recently talked with me about their new developments, inspirations, and the Louisianan scene.
LJ DeWitt: Please introduce yourselves, roles in the band, and to keep it interesting, throw me a random fact about yourself. Molly Portier: Molly Portier, singer, and was named after the Beatles song "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da," which includes the lyric "Molly is the singer in a band." (That ended up working out rather nicely). Anthony Mikhael, drummer, and speaks three languages. Albert Moliere, bassist, and is color blind. Harry Rosenberg, guitarist, and can chug a half gallon of milk, (he really, really loves milk.) LJ: Last month you released your music video for “Bullet”. Good, bad, funny, or just plain weird, what’s the most memorable moment from shooting? Molly: Well, singing in the shower has always been a favorite pastime of mine, so that was pretty exciting and memorable getting to sing my own music in the shower on repeat with a film crew watching me. You know, just a casual Saturday evening. But really, this was the first music video we've ever done, so it was such a fun, cool experience for us! LJ: In three years of doing interviews and shoots, you’re the first band I’ve ever met out of Louisiana. What’s your opinion on your local rock scene? Molly: There's a really strong rock community here in Louisiana that regularly gets overlooked and I would love to see it get more attention. People usually associate Louisiana with Jazz, Zydeco and Cajun, so it can be hard to break through that stereotype as a rock band here. Some local bands to check out that we love are Kristin Diable, Paper Bison and Brother Jac. LJ: Who’s been your favorite band to play and party with so far? Molly: Our good friends in Social Circle are by far one of our favorite bands to play and party with. They are such a super cool group of people. I definitely fan girl over them hardcore. LJ: Speaking of partying, who’s the band’s trouble maker? Worse trouble they’ve ever gotten themselves or the band into? Molly: I don't know what you're talking about. We're all angels.
New Orleans is a spiritual city full of old blues and hard rock. It's no surprise that natives Blonde Roses have captured the heart of The Big Easy perfectly. Whether you're old school or new school, I guarantee you'll take a liking to their sound. Not too long ago they released their debut music video, "Bullet", gaining them quick growth. Frontwoman Molly recently talked with me about their new developments, inspirations, and the Louisianan scene.
LJ: With Halloween just around the corner, do you have any rock ‘n’ roll plans for the holiday? Molly: We plan to attend the Voodoo Experience in New Orleans, which falls on Halloween weekend. The lineup is pretty darn stellar! LJ: It’s obvious in your music that you pull a lot of influence from older rock. Alive or dead, if you could write a song with anyone in history, who would it be? Molly: Janis Joplin because she is a rock n' roll goddess. LJ: Three albums you’d want to be buried with? Molly: There are so many good ones! That's tough, but if I had to choose it would be "Revolver" by The Beatles, "Sorry" by Meg Myers and "Sounds of Silence" by Simon & Garfunkel. A little old, a little new. LJ: I saw you guys do have some new merch coming out soon. Is there anything else new you can tease? (Tours, albums, videos, etc.) Molly: We have an EP coming out early 2017, so be on the lookout for that! LJ: Finally, is there any last random facts, statements, or words of wisdom you’d like to leave with your fans? Molly: Spread love every single day. It's most important that we do that right now.
e. Rachel Rosell