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Niterain Interview

LJ DeWitt

Norway based band NiteRain is keeping hair metal alive! Decked out in leather and spikes, these guys know how to blow the roof off. Their sound may be reministant of the 80's, but it comes with it's own unique feeling. Back in December we had a little chat with front man Sebastian!

LJ DeWitt: You guys seem to take influence from a lot of older rock bands. If you could write a song with any musician, dead or alive, who would it be? Sebastian: Thanks for having me! If I could write a song with a musician dead or alive? I think it must be Axl Rose. He is a brilliant songwriter with 100% passion. Just gotta love it! LJ: Is there a song you've ever heard and wished you had written it yourself? Sebastian: Almost all of them, haha! I wish I wrote "Panama" by Van Halen or maybe "Wild Side" by Motley Crue. LJ: Out of your own songs, which is your favorite to play live? Sebastian: There’s a lot of songs I love to perform, but my favorite must be "Dirty" or "The Threat"! So much energy in those two. Gives me a lot! LJ: Biggest stage nightmare you've had so far? Sebastian: I’ve been lucky so far. Knock knock! But I hate it when I run out on the first song with so much confidence in front of a new crowd, and I lift the mic and scream out..... No sound! The sound guy pushed the wrong button or whatever and there’s just no sound coming out of the microphone. That is a nightmare for me. Happened a couple of times actually.

LJ: What's the best prank your band has either pulled or been victim to? Sebastian: We do tons of stuff, but some stuff is within the band. But there was one time a member (I won’t name names, could be anybody) brought a girl back to the hotel, and she refused to.... yeah you know, as long as another member was sleeping in the same room. So 3 of us carried out one still sleeping on his mattress and threw him out of the room. That was hilarious. We have a million stories! LJ: Who's the trouble maker of the band? Worst trouble they've ever got themselves or the band into? Sebastian: That is absolutely me. I'm the one who usually get into fights with whatever. One guy was laughing his ass off of us. I just slammed my microphone case straight in his face. It got quiet really fast! But as a rock ‘n' roller today, you take a lot of crap from people who look down on you or whatever, and somebody needs to shut their mouths sometimes! But worst trouble was when me and Frank trashed a hotel room in Italy, we didn’t even trashed it properly, TV was still there and nothing was broken. But they said we broke lots of things. Not true!

LJ: Out of the classic movie murders (Jason, Freddy, Myers, etc.) Which one do you identify with the most and why? Sebastian: Wish I could send this question to Adrian, he's an expert on those guys. LJ: Who in the band would be most likely to actually become a murderer one day? Sebastian: Frank or Adrian. They both have tempers, but I believe if you push them too hard and on the edge, they can be dangerous. LJ: With 2015 coming to a close, is there anything you can tell me about your plans for the New Year? Sebastian: I will be celebrating Christmas and New Year’s Eve in L.A.! Will see Motley Crue’s last show NYE at The Staples Center.

LJ: Where do you hope to be in your career a year from now? Sebastian: On a tour bus somewhere as opening to a kickass band. Just tour, tour, tour, be out on the road and play as much as we can! Every year is great, but we have to beat every year with something new! LJ: Finally, is there anything you'd like your fans and potential listeners to know? Sebastian: People!! In 2016, NiteRain will release the new album "Vendetta". We can’t wait to hear the response. We're very proud of this record. Give us a like at and check out our videos on YouTube! Peace!

e. Allie Beth


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