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WANDERER Interview

LJ DeWitt

W A N D E R E R is definitely something a little, well a lot, different than what I usually feature. I decided to still pull this one man act aboard for an article because there is something very unique about his sound. At it's heart, it may be pop music, but there's such a nightlife fluidity to it. I had a little chat recently with the soul of W A N D E R E R, Adam.

LJ DeWitt: Are you originally from Arizona? Adam: Yes, it’s always been my home. LJ: What's your opinion of the Phoenix scene? Adam: There are a lot of great musicians from the area. As for the “scene,” I can’t say I’m that tuned in to it these days, but I have always enjoyed playing shows here. I think there is a good community. LJ: Tell me about the inspiration behind your debut release "Only in the Night”? Adam: Getting into trouble, late nights, feeling reckless. How being bad feels good sometimes. LJ: Do you have any interesting stories from recording the music video? Adam: We spent a couple nights running all over town to different secret locations. We snuck into old buildings and rooftops to get a lot of the shots. That kind of thing was only possible with a small crew, like we had. LJ: When and where is your favorite place to write? Adam: I write at home. A lot of the time while recording, at the computer, etc.… But inspiration comes at any time. I’ll hope of out of bed in the middle of the night sometimes and write down or sing an idea into my phone, and then go back to bed.

W A N D E R E R is definitely something a little, well a lot, different than what I usually feature. I decided to still pull this one man act aboard for an article because there is something very unique about his sound. At it's heart, it may be pop music, but there's such a nightlife fluidity to it. I had a little chat recently with the soul of W A N D E R E R, Adam.

LJ: What's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to you at a show? (Your own or someone else’s) Adam: One time when I played in the Philippines with my old band there were people in the audience crying. I suppose it was flattering! LJ: Any near death experiences? Adam: Not lately, no. LJ: Outside of your own music, what is one song that touches your heart deeply and why? Adam: Stop This Train - John Mayer. That song is so important to me. It’s a beautiful commentary on time and the fleeting nature of all this. LJ: When can your fans expect more releases? Adam: This month. This summer. This fall. LJ: Finally, is there anything random you'd like your fans to know before we go? Adam: I think there has been some confusion as to who WANDERER is, and partly because I’ve been mysterious about it. But people should know it’s just me- Adam, no one else. I write and develop everything.

e. Allie Beth


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