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Lexi Layne Interview

LJ DeWitt

Photo by TKTKTK

Gory and glory—As beautifully dangerous as a black widow, haunted songstress Lexi Layne aims to blaze new trails for the women of metal. We had the pleasure of prying open her mind to talk spooks, spirits, and spellbound suitors. Her debut EP Sinners and Saints is available wherever you stream music.

D&D: Since we’re going into nostalgia season, why don’t you hit me with your favorite nostalgic spooky movie.

Lexi Layne: If we’re talking “nostalgic,” this brings me back to when I was a kid watching the Disney channel during Halloween season. Don’t Look Under the Bed always freaked me out and to some degree still does now ha.

D&D: Not gonna lie, I got super excited when I learned P!NK was an early influence for you. We could make this whole interview just fangirling over her, but I’ll restrain it to just one question; What era/album of hers is your favorite?

Lexi: Haha, we could definitely do that. Her earlier albums I always resonated with. “Just Like A Pill” was really the first song I fell in love with by her and I thoroughly enjoyed singing along with her. Try This and I’m Not Dead were also my favorites.

D&D: While we’re on the topic of amazing women in the industry, you’re a big proponent of female empowerment. In your opinion, what is the key to persevering and further elevating women’s space in rock and metal?

Lexi: Thank you! I would say don’t think so much, do what you feel, say what you want to say, and just overall be yourself. I never think twice about saying something if it’s truly how I feel. Living in such a male dominated world, I think times are slowly starting to change and our voices are finally being heard.

D&D: Whenever we get new ladies in the scene, I hear the same comments over and over again about them being “industry plants” and the classic “who’s she sleeping with?” I’m curious if you’ve encountered this and what kind of attitude you take when dealing with it.

Lexi: Thankfully, I have not received any comments like that at all. I’ve worked my fucking ass off to get where I am right now with my career and I am nowhere by any means where I want to be yet. It’s almost like tunnel vision for me; I stay focused on my goals and aspire to be the best

musician I can be.

D&D: In your everyday life, I’m sure you’ve collected some interesting reactions from men that can’t handle a strong woman. Do you have any funny stories you can tell me?

Lexi: Haha, I have a bunch! I’ve always received the comments of “you’re intimidating”, “I can’t handle you”, etc., but there was this one date I went on a couple years back, it went pretty awful. He was super awkward ha. Towards the end of the night, he fell to his knees and pretty much told me he’s not worthy. I laughed and said “yeah, you’re right, you’re not.” It was honestly empowering haha.

D&D: I know the guys who back you up on stage must be worth a damn to earn their place in your band! How’d you meet each of them and what led to you bringing them into the fray?

Lexi: Those dudes are insanely talented and have shown me nothing but respect and love for the music, which means so much to me. They are all like my older brothers. It’s very comforting. I met my bass player, Nick Diltz, through a friend. From there, I was Introduced to my guitar player, Kris. I was having issues finding a drummer, I went through 5 while we were in the middle of rehearsals for the show at The Viper Room. Thankfully Nick came through with the insanely talented Chrissy Warner, who is just a joy to be around!

D&D: I know you’ve had to talk about your song inspirations to death with other interviewers, so we’re not gonna get into that, but I am curious about your affinity to exploring unique and unusual sounds in your music. You’ve noted “Bloodless” to have indian influences, I’m really curious if there’s any other unconventional genres or sounds you’re hoping to utilize someday.

Lexi: Music for me is a feeling, it’s an emotional roller coaster. I am such an open book when it

comes to exploring different sounds and textures to add to my music. Whatever the song may

call for, if it feels right, I’m going to go with it.

D&D: Finally, ye old plug section of the interview. Any new things you can tease while you’re at it?

Lexi: I am working on new music at the moment and my producer and I are pushing for an album for 2023 so look out for that :)


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